Movement is Medicine

Movement is Medicine

Motion is a basic law of this universe and if you are not 'moving,' - mentally or physically, you may be depressed. Why? Because motion is a basic law. Nothing ever rests. Everything vibrates. While moving. As the cycle of evolution spreads wider. So develop your mind by imagination, meditation, raising your vibration, learning and acquiring knowledge that are mostly needed for thriving in the current generation and next. And engage in physical activities, because movement itself is medicine....
Call For Partners

Call For Partners

Joining forces in the mission of Alternative Medicine! Are you passionate about helping individuals achieve optimal health and wellness through the power of alternative medicine? We are thrilled to announce a partnership opportunity that promises to revolutionize the way people embrace holistic healing practices. We are Lotus Potentia Holistics, a dynamic and forward-thinking alternative medicine company committed to providing innovative solutions for individuals seeking natural and holistic c...
The importance of sleep for your body.

The importance of sleep for your body.

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives that is often overlooked. In our fast-paced world, where productivity and efficiency are highly valued, sleep is often sacrificed in order to accommodate busier schedules or cope with the demands of modern life. However, this neglect of sleep is detrimental to our overall health and well-being, as adequate sleep is crucial for the proper functioning of our body. Sleep is not merely a state of rest during which we temporarily escape from the wor...
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