By Kelechi Obasi
Mon, 21-Aug-2023, 01:41


Healing Cancer using Intra-gènètique

Intra-gènètique is an Alternative Cancer Treatment Therapy that can help the body outgrow cancer within a shorter period of time by means of self-epigenetics. 

This Alternative Cancer Treatment Therapy aims at overwriting dysfunctional patterns in cell activity from the sub-atomic level to ultimately kill cancer and flip the body cells and functionalities back to it's resonant frequency, where health and vitality is restored within weeks, a few months or days, according to type and level of cancer suffered, and individual involved.

It is a safe and conscious exercise involving breathwork, active imaginations (suggestive), and twisting of the neck, following a certain pattern. We understand by this practice that in order to overwrite a usual unfavourable health pattern, the mind's outlook of the body's current health condition should be first modified to a place where it can easily integrate and distribute healing to the rest of the body. It is after the mind has been shown to reach this point that the other activities can follow. To get the mind to this place, the neocortex and thalamus of the brain will be engaged for expansive imaginations, using suggestive thought patterns, and this, when done right will stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands, - pineal for the release of DMT, and pituitary for growth and acknowledgement of it.

Oxygen. Oxygen is necessary for this exercise, and that is where the breathwork comes to function. Healing is a dance, a symphony of creativity and creative activities put together with a purpose of restoring optimum health and happiness, and for this healing technique, breathwork is used to control the flow of oxygen throughout the body while it is being rapidly updated by the brain's conscious activity. Oxygen is necessary because when inhaled and held in longer than usual, it amplifies the functionality and intelligence of the brain and spine, and the natural survival instinct of every cell of the body, therefore engaging oxygen rightly can cause the body to heal by survival or a sudden need to survive. 

The neck, which is the connector of the head and body and houses the cervical spine has a major role to play in this therapy as it is a repository of healing which's super healing potentials are yet to be fully explored, but can be learned and used to heal the body using certain neck exercises involving patterned twists.

A choke in the neck can usually cause full body unconsciousness within a few seconds, and that is because the flow of blood/communication between the brain and the body halts under pressure. The arteries and nerves along the neck play a vital role in a person's physiological growth and overall health, but the question is : how healthy and efficient are the arteries and nerves towards supporting an individual's healing and wellbeing ? This question can in some cases be answered using a person's current health status, because many dis-ease of the internal and external organs of the body are caused by a poor functioning vagus, nerval and artery network covered within the neck. Poor posture, lack of exercise and unhealthy choices may lead to dysfunctions in the nerval network of the neck as one advances in age, and when this is the case, communication between the brain and body is bridged, and when communication between the brain and body is bridged, parts of the body connected to the nerves and veins along the neck from the brain begin to underperform and may eventually fail, causing dis-ease in the body.

To do the appropriate neck exercise for this healing, the cervical spine's intelligence must be stimulated to support the twists that should follow, and it can be stimulated using a combination of breath and imagination, and in some cases supported by a guide.

The logic of this exercise is to use oxygen, brain activity and the spine's intelligence to instantly overwrite the body's chemistry in mega bits to recover absolute ownership the body, its organs and cells from cancer by outgrowing the dis-ease itself, and this approach is neurological or psycho-spiritual.

It is first taught physically by a guide as a non - invasive therapy and can further be practiced as self - therapy after exercise has been carefully learned. 

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