When cancer develops in the body, it has one job - to survive, -by all means. In order to do so, it must escape elimination by the host's immune system using various tricky tactics, one of which is to down-regulate surface receptors which alerts the Natural killer cells of its cancer-like properties.
Natural killer cells then ignore the cancer cells assuming they are harmless, allowing them to thrive so they grow into a mass that may eventually become a malignant tumor. It doesn't mean the immune system loses its ability to kill cancer cells, it simply loses desire to kill them.
Once the cancer is established, it subverts the host's immune system into protecting it rather than fight against it. Biologically, this is called immunologic repurposing, a situation in the development of cancer where subverted cells which were supposed to protect the body switches sides to protecting the cancer while fighting against most treatment therapies targeted to kill it resulting in waste of funds and a deteriorating health.
This usually happen because the mind is mostly absent to the automatic functions of the body system and its conscious functionality.
However, it is possible to eliminate cancer completely within weeks or maybe months of practicing this self-healing/recovery therapy.
Intra-gènètiquè, a self-healing therapy developed by our team at Lotus Potentia Holistics is a combination of breathwork, acupressure and suggestive imaginative patterns which when practiced over time can reduce first your chances of developing cancer, can halt the growth and spread of it and can eliminate it using same Natural Killers which it had earlier repurposed to protecting it.
This therapy is non-invasive by approach and can be practised in the comfort of your home to self-heal cancer.
For more information about Intra-gènètique, -perhaps you are curious to learn more or wish to work with us to further develop this modality to help fight cancer all over the world, kindly send a direct message or write us at [email protected].
© Kelechi Obasi
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#healing #healingjourney #healingfromwithin
#energyhealing #lotuspotentiaholistics
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